Sejr Kina Solutions is an agency specialising in assisting Danish and Nordic brands with entering and growing in the Chinese market, as well as sourcing from China.

Leveraging its network and local market insights, Sejr Kina provides comprehensive and tailored solutions to Nordic brands, including market research, localisation, brand positioning, digital marketing strategies and operations, e-commerce management, creative content and event management, logistics management, and sourcing in China.

In just a few years Sejr Kina has become a trusted partner for numerous Nordic companies aiming to enter, expand, or source within the Chinese market. Some of these companies include Orkla, Them1888, SoKind, Bundgaard, and Les Deux etc. 

塞娅国际 致力于为丹麦及北欧品牌开拓中国市场或产品开发采购的一站式解决方案,提供专业的品牌中国市场战略咨询,市场营销,电商运营,创意素材创作,公关活动组织,包装设计/开发/采购等全案服务。
我们在丹麦和中国宁波均设有分公司,致力于帮助国际品牌及企业拓展中国及亚太市场,对中国、北欧文化及商业环境独具慧心,  让创意、资源与机会在欧亚大陆自由流通。目前服务品牌包括北欧最大快消品集团Orkla-Jordan,丹麦百年乳品企业 THEM 1888(丹慕 1888)、丹麦母婴洗护品牌 SoKind、丹麦百年童鞋品牌Bundgaard,北欧时尚男装品牌Les Deux等,我们竭诚帮助客户扩大品牌影响力提升市场竞争力,与品牌携手共创价值,实现共赢。